Second National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence 2016-2021.
On Wednesday 20 January 2016 Ms. Frances Fitzgerald T.D., Minister for Justice and Equality, launched the Second National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and gender-based Violence 2016 – 2021 and Action Plan which was agreed by the Government on the 13 January 2016.
The Strategy, building on its predecessor, which concluded in 2014, envisages a range of actions to be implemented by State, voluntary and community sector organisations aimed at preventing and responding to domestic, sexual and gender-based violence.
In developing the strategy, Cosc has engaged in extensive consultations with a wide range of State and non-State stakeholders. The Minister held two consultative forums with stakeholders to identify and finalise priorities. The strategy is a result of this work and it contains a range of actions, both legislative and administrative, to be implemented over it’s lifetime.
Ultimately the vision for the Second National Strategy is to make Ireland a safer place. It is structured around three high level goals:
i) Prevention, which includes awareness raising, training and education;
ii) Services to victims and holding perpetrators to account; and
iii) In support of these goals, data gathering, monitoring and research.
The Second National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence 2016–2021 contains a number of context setting remarks which articulate the vision behind the strategy and the Action Plan which is a living document that will change, evolve and grow year on year.
Monitoring Report on the Second National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence 2016-2021
First progress report (January-June2 016) on the Second National Strategy on Domestic Sexual and Gender-based Violence 2016 – 2021
New National Strategy
Submissions on the Final Review of the Strategy and Proposals for a New Strategy
First National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence
The National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence 2010 – 2014 was approved by the Government on 9th February 2010. The strategy sets out the general vision and objectives and actions to tackle these crimes. The overall aim of this work is to reduce the prevalence of the crimes and to ensure that the system of prevention and response functions effectively in a co-ordinated manner increasing the understanding of the general public and professional services, supporting victims and ensuring the accountability of offenders. Cosc developed the strategy in consultation with a broad range of stakeholders.
The actions required to tackle domestic and sexual violence primarily cut across the justice sector, the health sector, the education sector, the housing sector and the non-governmental sector. Progress must be made in the context of a common vision to ensure that those affected receive the benefit of a holistic service.
There are many issues to be tackled to achieve the vision, as well as many options regarding the content of the strategy. Cosc’s approach is to encourage policy and service development based on solid evidence and evaluated results to ensure best public value and best outcomes for all effected by domestic and sexual violence. It is important that the critical issues surrounding domestic and sexual violence are well understood, that there is an appreciation of the complex environment of prevention and response activity and that interventive actions are practical, protective of the victim and suitable for the Irish context.
A mid term review of the progress in implementing the actions of the strategy took place in 2012. One of the outcomes of the review was a revision of the time-scales for implementing many of the actions. The report of the review and a revised table of actions should be read in conjunction with the strategy for a full understanding of the present position.
The full copy of the First National Strategy and Executive Summary, the mid-term review of the strategy and the tabled updated time-scales are available for downloading on the Cosc Publications page.
Final review of the First National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence 2010-2014 and development of a new strategy.
A final review of the First National Strategy was completed in the summer of 2014. Invitations to 100 groups and individuals to partake in the review and suggest proposals for the second strategy resulted in 34 Submissions which fed into the development of the second strategy. A national consultation forum on a new strategy was held in Dublin Castle on the 17th of November 2014 which was attended by the Minister for Justice and Equality, Ms Francis Fitzgerald T.D., the Minister of State for New Communities, Culture and Equality, Mr. Aodhán Ó’Ríordáin, T.D. and stakeholders from state and non governmental organisations. A winter consultative forum on actions to implement the Second National Strategy was held on 5th November 2015 and was attended by Minister Fitzgerald and stakeholders from state and non-governmental organisations.