Service |
Description |
Phone |
Helpline Phone |
Website |
Online Contact Points |
Opening Hours |
Catchment Area |
Female Genital Mutilation Treatment Service |
Offers Specialised Medical Care and Counselling |
01 8727088, 01 8742110 0858771342 (phone or text, confidential line) |
085 8771342 | |
4 Hour drop in clinic on Wednesdays |
One in Four |
Provides support and resources to women and men who have experienced sexual violence |
(01) 6624070 |
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Rape Crisis Helpline (operated by Dublin RCC) |
Provides telephone support and referral to local services for all adult survivors of sexual violence and child sexual abuse |
1800 778888 |
24 Hour Service – 365 Days a year |
Rape Crisis Network Ireland – Rape Crisis Help |
Support Services ofr survivors of sexual violence and those seeking assistance on their behalf. This website provides vital information on sexual assault support services in clear, easy to navigate manner to those who may be urgently seeking it. It includes advice for those who may be feeling threatened, may have experienced sexual violence in the past, or who are seeking help or advice on behalf of others as well as information on child protection. Website includes a section for anyone concerned about another person’s aggressive sexual behaviour |
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Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) |
Rape Crisis Network Ireland(RCNI) is a specialist information and resource centre on rape and all forms of sexual violence with a proven capacity in strategic leadership. The RCNI role includes the development and coordination of national projects including expert data collection, supporting Rape Crisis Centres to reach best practice standards, using our expertise to influence national policy and social change. We are the representative, umbrella body for our member Rape Crisis Centres who provide free advice, counselling and support for survivors of sexual abuse in Ireland. |
091 563676 |
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twitter: @rcnireland |
9-5 |
Ruhama Women’s Project |
Ruhama is a voluntary organisation that works with women involved in prostitution, including those who are victims of sex trafficking and other forms of commercial sexual exploitation. |
(01) 8360292 |
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Sexual Assault Treatment Unit |
There are six Sexual Assault Treatment Units (SATUs) in Ireland, in Cork, Donegal, Dublin, Galway, Mullingar and Waterford. They provide specialist care for women and men aged fourteen years and over who have recently been sexually assaulted or raped. The specialist team of SATU staff provide easily accessible, holistic services which address the medical, psychological and emotional needs and appropriate follow up care for victims of sexual crime, in a supportive, sensitive manner. The SATU services respond to requests form the Gardaí for the collection of forensic evidence to aid the legal process and also provide services for people who do not wish to report the incident to the Gardaí. SATU services can be contacted at any time via an Garda Síochána, of by contacting the individual SATU. If a person wishes to report an incident to An Garda Síochána, this should be done as quicly as possible and delays should be avoided |
See for a list of contact numbers |
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Women’s Health Project |
Provides an outreach service for women involved in prostitution |
1800 201187 or (01) 6699515 |
Wed 2pm-4pm Thurs 8.30pm-10.30pm |